
[bulk] Tag Implication: *_valkyrie_(p&d) -> valkyrie_(p&d)

Posted under Tags

mass update valkyrie_(p&d) -> light_valkyrie_(p&d)
mass update red_valkyrie_(p&d) -> fire_valkyrie_(p&d)
mass update blue_valkyrie_(p&d) -> water_valkyrie_(p&d)
mass update green_valkyrie_(p&d) -> wood_valkyrie_(p&d)
mass update black_valkyrie_(p&d) -> dark_valkyrie_(p&d)

create implication fire_valkyrie_(p&d) -> valkyrie_(p&d)
create implication water_valkyrie_(p&d) -> valkyrie_(p&d)
create implication wood_valkyrie_(p&d) -> valkyrie_(p&d)
create implicationdark_valkyrie_(p&d) -> valkyrie_(p&d)
create implication light_valkyrie_(p&d) -> valkyrie_(p&d)

Link to request

In topic #12636 there was merit for creating an umbrella tag for the visually similar Valkyries. While the valkyrie_(p&d) tag worked well when there was only one Valkyrie, there are now four additional variations. The variations of Valkyrie were being incorrectly tagged with valkyrie_(p&d), which was intended to be used for the original white-colored Valkyrie. This will hopefully remove the ambiguity of the tag.


Updated implications based on element vs. color discussion in the topic.


reese said:

That sounds fine to me as well. Should elemental qualifiers be applied to other P&D monsters as well?

Have some examples of those? I know a lot of the base monsters are tied to colors as opposed to elements though.

I was thinking of monsters like Odin_(p&d) (which needs a bit of gardening) where a colour or elemental isn't used in their name. Monsters like the Sonias would probably continue using colours because colours are in their names.

I guess I'm looking for some tagging guidelines for handling qualifiers in the future.

Odin and his other forms is annoying for a name, isn't it? I guess it would make sense if we standardize using the elements for the Valkyrie, we may as well do it for the others where they don't have an easy naming convention built somewhere in their name to differentiate them.

We could get away with leaving the wood Odin as Odin due to the small tag size and going with Kadoya's suggestion for tagging the other two. However, if the tag count increases we could be having this conversation so better to future-proof now right?

Bulk update request #630 failed: PG::QueryCanceled: ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
: INSERT INTO "delayed_jobs" ("queue", "handler", "run_at", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING "id"