
[bulk] Assign correct copyright to Nursery Rhyme (Grand Order)

Posted under Tags

mass update nursery_rhyme_(fate/grand_order) -> nursery_rhyme_(fate/extra)

Link to request

Back in Extra both characters were treated as a set, and as such they had only one tag.
However, when GO came around NR became an independent character. For a while there was some confusion on what to use, so early arts were tagged with alice_(fate/extra), until eventually the nursery_rhyme_(fate/grand_order) tag was created and new posts were tagged as such.

Now that there's a tag for each one, I went back and tagged the posts featuring both with nursery_rhyme_(fate/grand_order), and fixed posts that used alice_(fate/extra) when NR was featured.

So now what's left is to fix the name, since NR belongs to Extra, not GO.


Bulk update request #627 failed: PG::QueryCanceled: ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
: INSERT INTO "delayed_jobs" ("queue", "handler", "run_at", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING "id"