
Suggestion: Search posts by Pixiv URL / Japanese name

Posted under General

It would be nice if we could search artists by their pixiv page. For example if I search
it would show all results for the artist [inuzuka_bouru]. This would work by showing artists that have this specific URL on their wiki page. It could also work for all URLs in general (twitter / tumblr / livedoor blog / fc2 blog).

Another idea is searching by Japanese names. For example searching [犬塚ボウル] would show all results for [inuzuka_bouru]. This would work by searching "Other Names" on an artists wiki page.


This is to make it easier when you know Pixiv / Japanese name of an artist but don't know what English name is being used on Danbooru (it's rarely just the romanization of their pixiv name, and even if it is romanizations on danbooru are often wrong). Yes you could use iqdb but it takes way longer to iqdb every picture of an artist until you find one that is also on danbooru.


to2manage3 said:

Thanks I didn't know you could do that. It'd be nice if we could also search for posts in the same manner.

Click the artist's name (as a Danbooru artist tag) to print up their Danbooru page. Then hit the posts tab.