
Tag implication: checkered_necktie -> checkered

Posted under Tags

Yeah, checkered is missing a few implications:

Are all missing the implication, perhaps one or two others. Could probably implicate most of those to checkered clothing too if one wanted.

Though as an aside, why do we even have tags for just general patterns anyways (checkered, plaid, houndstooth, gradient, argyle, striped, etc)? Is it just so we can have wiki entries for to decribe the patterns for taggers or is there really a benefit to knowing ~something~ in an image is checkered? I mean, we don't have red_panties or red_background implying red (or any other colors doing so for that matter). I'd think, 99.9% of the time, if someone is searching for something checkered they're at least thinking of something specific enough to say checkered_clothes or "checkered_floor", even if they're not searching for something specific as a checkered_shirt or such.

For the less common item/pattern combinations, there would be little point to creating new tags that may never be used again. Making up tags for gingham tablecloth, plaid suitcase, polka dot handbag, and shippou kimono would be hard to justify, but these objects can still be found by searching for the general tags (gingham, plaid, polka dot, shippou_(pattern)). I think it's better to keep the broader tags as catchalls for these niche cases where it wouldn't be worth creating a new tag that would be of incredibly limited use.

Seriously, who the hell is searching for checkered yukata? That's got to be one of the most needlessly specific tags I've seen yet.

iridescent_slime said:

Albert recently (topic #12482) expressed an unwillingness to create implications for tags that are only found on a handful of posts, especially when they lack wiki pages. Having seen the mess that results when implications are carelessly made and later undone, I can respect that decision.

And I'd say nearly 500 posts are more than enough to create this implication.

Saduharta said:

Those are only existing tags of course. And yes, some of them do get rather specific; Not sure why one searches for checkered pillow either.

Well, if you want to search for one, it's necessary to have a separate tag. Just searching checkered pillow will gets you many posts of clothing or other objects with a checkered pattern that just happen to have a plain pillow in them.

EB said:

Well, if you want to search for one, it's necessary to have a separate tag. Just searching checkered pillow will gets you many posts of clothing or other objects with a checkered pattern that just happen to have a plain pillow in them.

So are you suggesting that individual tags be made for the examples I listed above?

EB said:

There's plenty of catch-all tags around. They have their uses. For instance, you can't just do a checkered_* search to find everything when there are more than 12 tags of that type.

For most users the limit will be even less because it is determined by the tag search limit, therefore it will find the 12 most popular tags for platinum and above, 6 for gold and 2 for everyone else.

Just because the tag can be used for a purpose doesn't make it useful; I can think of a lot metatags that don't exist that I might use every once in a while, but looking for every picture with a checker pattern somewhere in it isn't one of them.

I don't think getting rid of the tag is practical regardless since it's just one of dozens of other catch-all pattern tags out there, and I doubt there's really a reason to change a bunch of things up in that regard for most people.

As far as the original implication goes, I'll just +1 at this point; Really no reason not to.