As the title says.
It seems to me it's the only real gap in the composition of a body in an image, and it's a problem I've run into tagging enough to warrant something. Face covers head shots well, portrait showing just a little of the upper body, upper body from the waist up, and cowboy shot from crotch level to about knee level up... But past that there's only full body, which requires the whole subject to be in frame. This means there's not really a good tag to use when an artist cuts the suject off at the knee, calf, or ankle. This can also be a problem when one limb is out of frame but the rest of the body is in, which also diqualifies an image for full body by its wiki.
- post #2265449; the image's subject is all in the image except her right leg from mid-calf down.
- post #2273200; again we have all of one of the subject's legs (largely disqualifying it for cowboy shot) yet most of the other leg out of frame.
- post #2271040; the legs here are equally exposed, but clearly between what would be right to tag for eith CS or FB.
- post #2270670; clearly too much foot/calf in the picture to tag as CS, but also too much cut off to tag as FB.
And that's just pulling very recent examples.
As to the tag itself... That I am unsure of. "almost_full_body" or "nearly_full_body" are thoughts, and one could be aliased to the other. But I realize those could have problems either for being long or for referencing another tag rather than being its own. "3/4_shot" or "three_quarter_shot" came to mind, but those are used for the cowboy shot in other media.
But regardless of the name a tag to use would be nice.