
Those annoying pixiv manga samples

Posted under General

Paste it into the appropriate box in your account's advanced settings. The link there will take you to the Wikipedia article for it if you want to know more about it.

Seems to me it'd be a handy feature to have for the modqueue, though.

div.mod-queue-preview[data-tags~="pixiv_manga_sample"] img{border:3px dashed red;}

This one works. Only for modqueue though, if you want it to work for all listings, do it like this:

.post-preview[data-tags~="pixiv_manga_sample"] img{border:3px dashed red;}

Type-kun said:

div.mod-queue-preview[data-tags~="pixiv_manga_sample"] img{border:3px dashed red;}

This one works. Only for modqueue though, if you want it to work for all listings, do it like this:

.post-preview[data-tags~="pixiv_manga_sample"] img{border:3px dashed red;}

Oh, sorry, I never said thank you!