I get most of my artist updates from this site: http://drag11.s6.xrea.com/check. It's very comprehensive and while I'm sure it's not exhaustive, it grabs most of the artists I'm interested in.
The problem is this site also lists lots of crappy artists, and clicking through them every day starts to become tedious.
Luckily, the site offers an XML feed that is easy enough to parse. So I've written a small Ruby script that takes this XML feed and builds a static HTML page (with some JavaScript) that lets you go through the entire list, skipping artists you're not interested in.
It also turns out that the XML feed includes the artist's name and a small list of tags (like monochrome, panties, copyright, etc) which aren't visible on the main site. This makes identifying artist/copyright easy.
How To Use
Execute the gen.rb file. This will generate a gen.js. Then open up index.html in your browser and start clicking on the Next link. Click on the Block link to add the URL to the textarea, and then when you've gotten enough, cut-and-paste the blocked URLs into the blocked.txt file.
I've included an example blocked.txt file with over 1000 blocked URLs. The script itself is available at http://memo.donmai.us/cg.zip