
Translation "speech bubbles"

Posted under General

First, I'm sorry if this has been brought up before.

Second, I'm not sure if everyone is seeing the same thing as me...

Check out this post:
post #1937422

There, the English translations appear over the Japanese text instead of having the usual transparent boxes that make the translations appear when you move your cursor over them. I've come across pics like this every once in a while.

Can someone please explain why certain pics are like that?

Thanks in advance!

It really depends on the image in my opinion. Many comics the embedded notes are pretty obnoxious in the amount that they cover up, especially since speech bubbles for Japanese tends to be narrow. For the comics and posts where that isn't really an issue, I tend to prefer having the embedded notes on.

There are also some users who prefer having embedded notes always off as well.

Embedded notes works well on some comics, especially if the text boxes/speech bubbles are wide and there are not a lot of floating text around. These are usually 4-komas without a lot of action in the background.

Embedded notes become downright obnoxious when the text covers significant parts of the screen when the original speech bubbles are narrow (since text in Japanese comics are usually written in the top to bottom, right to left format) and floating text such as SFXes or even speech in non-comic single images (which don't use speech bubbles).

They are also quite annoying for any translator trying to check the translations of others, since they obscure the underlying text.

NNescio said:

They are also quite annoying for any translator trying to check the translations of others, since they obscure the underlying text.

Clicking the picture will hide the notes, and clicking it again will bring the notes back.

BrokenEagle98 said:

Clicking the picture will hide the notes, and clicking it again will bring the notes back.

Without embedded notes I can simultaneously look at both the Japanese text and English translation.