post #9000000 GET!

Tag Alias: Jr.

Posted under General

memegui said:
Not too sure about momo and jr as aliases, they seems possibly too general to be aliases.

Mass-edit "jr." into "gaignun_kukai_jr" and simply leave "jr." as ambiguous then.

"momo" with no other marking on the other hand does seem extremely generic.

albert said: I've deleted the momo -> m.o.m.o. alias.

Since I've been meaning to ask a couple things about ambiguous tags: Is there any way to "add" a tag to the list of suggestions when you search an ambig? Or are the suggestions automatic only? if so, could the automated suggestions ignore punctuation and read m.o.m.o. as a valid suggestion?

I did a search on momo, thinking m.o.m.o. would be one of the suggestions, but it wasn't. Memegui noted that we do have some x.x.x.x. tags, so I think leaving m.o.m.o. would be fine if people can get to it through a momo dismabig page.