
Viewing Comment Scores

Posted under General

I've just discovered another layer of my Danbooru ignorance: Apparently, one can view the scores on individual comments, just as one can see scores for individual poss. However, I don't see any actual numbers indicating comment scores anywhere, nor how to view them. Nothing on the Help:Comments wiki page or the comment search page mentions those numbers, either, and my attempts to find previous mention of it on the forum were unsuccessful. If it's already mentioned in a thread, please direct me, but perhaps it should be in a more prominent/easily found location? On the other hand, it's not like it's a tremendously vital aspect of using the site...

Danbooru passes that info to webpage, but it isn't displayed by default, only stored. The comment scores are displayed via userscripts. I've written my own, which I think is unusable outside old presto-based opera, but I think RaisingK's and kittey's scripts are able to do that too. See also issue #1702 on why this is not in the main site codebase.


Appreciated. I guess the user whose comment implied being able to see the comment scores had one of the userscripts installed.

In the responses to my comment on that image, I was directed to one userscript on GreasyFork, but accessing it now requires having an account there. It's such a minor thing, I'm debating if it's worth even that small effort.

Moonspeaker said:

Appreciated. I guess the user whose comment implied being able to see the comment scores had one of the userscripts installed.

In the responses to my comment on that image, I was directed to one userscript on GreasyFork, but accessing it now requires having an account there. It's such a minor thing, I'm debating if it's worth even that small effort.

Indeed I do, though I was using one two years old at the time.

Userscripts can add lots of features to the site, especially for those with basic accounts (unlike us). Below is a list of that script's features, for reference.

  • Metasettings: Display alerts when tweaks fail.
  • Add Tag Subscription: Adds pseudo tag subscriptions to your profile that refresh periodically.
  • Arrow Key Navigation: Enables navigation to previous/next pages using the left/right keys.
  • Blacklist: Blacklist implementation that replaces images (full and thumbnail) with links labeled with the tags they matched in the blacklist. Clicking the link/image alternates between the two. Translation notes appear every other time the image is displayed.
  • Change +/- Links: Adds +/- tag links when the taglist doesn't have them and can also make them add/remove tags from search box instead of launching new searches.
  • Comment Listing Filter: Hides posts and comments in the comment listing for posts with any of the specified tags. Click the replacement text/bar to reveal.
  • Custom Taglist: Adds a new taglist section below tag lists, complete with +/- links. Tag types are supported.
  • DText Replace: Replaces text in DText-enabled textareas and the names of all links with DText or DText-like shorthand forms. Requires experience with regexes to customize.
  • Hide User Statistics: Hides specific statistics from profile pages depending on if it's your profile or not.
  • Navbar Links: Adds links to the left side of the navbar and removes links from the navbar and subnavbar.
  • Navbar Tag Search: Adds/moves the post search box to the navbar or subnavbar.
  • Precision Time: Swaps all timestamps back to the old "X units ago" form, to a custom precision
  • Score Comments: Displays comments' scores next to the vote links if the scores fall within the specified range.
  • Score Thumbnails: Displays scores and favorite counts below thumbnails.