Does anyone know if post #9041977 counts as off-shoulder dress?
The fact that there's a halterneck involved got me a little confused, but then again, I'm not sure if these are correct either.
Posted under Tags
Does anyone know if post #9041977 counts as off-shoulder dress?
The fact that there's a halterneck involved got me a little confused, but then again, I'm not sure if these are correct either.
gunupmyskirt said:
hmmmmmm I mean the collar of his shirt. When it's only flipped down a little. I don't know what that's called.
Underpopulated but wingtip collar I think?
Ylimegirl said:
Underpopulated but wingtip collar I think?
Ohhh that's it. Thank you !!
post #9047213 - do we have any more specific tags for this kind of destruction vibes beyond just damaged and broken? Additionally, those are clearly Watanabe no Tsuna's shoes in the bottom there, but uhhh. I'm guessing this doesn't count as POV because the viewpoint is not his eyeballs?
Tag for text on food?
Minitajfun said:
Tag for text on food?
Ylimegirl said:
post #9047213 - do we have any more specific tags for this kind of destruction vibes beyond just damaged and broken? Additionally, those are clearly Watanabe no Tsuna's shoes in the bottom there, but uhhh. I'm guessing this doesn't count as POV because the viewpoint is not his eyeballs?
I guess messy room, but that doesn't feel right for the sort of "leave destruction in their wake" vibe of this post. I don't got any better ideas than that though, but I agree it's a taggable concept.
Freshblink said:
In what cases should the mooning tag be used instead of presenting ass?
My guess would be presenting ass would be for romantic/sexual scenarios and wouldn't necessarily involve any clothing being pulled down, whereas mooning is when someone's visibly got some form of legwear pulled down, often in public and in a sexual manner. As-is though it looks like mooning is currently being used for any post where someone's got legwear pulled down to reveal the ass, regardless of context. I think people into asses/exhibitionism would probably be able to help clarify things further though.
post #9050436 - Do we have a tag for this sort of thing that's like, halfway between squeeze bottle and drink pouch? It's got an attached lid so it's not really either, and it doesn't always hold "drinks" (i've had applesauce from one of these things in a fit of desperation).
Ylimegirl said:
post #9050436 - Do we have a tag for this sort of thing that's like, halfway between squeeze bottle and drink pouch? It's got an attached lid so it's not really either, and it doesn't always hold "drinks" (i've had applesauce from one of these things in a fit of desperation).
jelly drink seems to be used for the kind of jelly that's in that pouch
Do we have any tags for theme of "artist's block" going on here?
I've been going to a number of posts that have odaibako requests in the image without the odaibako tag in them. For example this one post #9051564 did not have odaibako tagged in copyrights until I added it. This is the correct use of this tag yes? since odaibako is the request vector here.
Edit: now request inset is typically present but odaibako would be more specific here when the inset is literally an odaibako?
post #5462639 - Cape? Cloak? Capelet? Shawl? Secret fifth thing?
asset #25333835 - Do we have a tag for those little not-gloves she's wearing that just cover the back of the hand?
Ylimegirl said:
post #5462639 - Cape? Cloak? Capelet? Shawl? Secret fifth thing?
I'd tag that as cloak, personally.
asset #25333835 - Do we have a tag for those little not-gloves she's wearing that just cover the back of the hand?
Bridal gauntlets, maybe??? Doesn't sound right though. A similar shape, at least.
post #9056682 - Do we have a tag for "stage magic" specifically? Or just magical magic?
There's magic trick.
Ylimegirl said:
Knit top with lots of holes in it like post #4008969
I'd call the holes mesh.
post #9059567
Does that string of paper figures representing characters have a name?
Iroshi said:
post #9059567
Does that string of paper figures representing characters have a name?
What kind of fashion is she wearing? Punk?