That was actually me, I asked this so I could further garden her down. Looking at them now they could also be horse ears or just something else entirely. Do we have any canon acknowledgement about it?
post #5969901 I identified sweet potatos, grapes and persimmon, but i don't know what are the other things in the basket. What are those and is there a tag for them?
post #5969901 I identified sweet potatos, grapes and persimmon, but i don't know what are the other things in the basket. What are those and is there a tag for them?
The green one is a pumpkin. Not sure about the others, but you can add the food request tag if you want.
Tagging this post #293671 and I know that the image she is drawing is a Japanese meme, I've seen it associated with Touhou before. Does anyone know what its name is? Scrolled through 30 pages of the neta tag and didn't see it. Also do you tag japanese memes with both neta and meme or just neta?