
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

iridescent_slime said:

Based on the loose fit and the shape of the neckline, it's probably a nightgown. When you factor in the other context (waking up, clutching a pillow), it's almost definitely a nightgown. Nobody wears a dress to bed under normal circumstances.

I thought a nightgown was a type of dress what with it also being called nightdress/night dress.

Updated by DanbooruBot

ArcieA said:

post #3918599
Not sure if we should apply the separate character tag for the skin right now (as customary of AL charas, in which case we tag it as algerie_(white_sand_angel)_(azur_lane) going by translations as an interim measure) or we wait for the official EN names to come out.
Same goes for all the skins affected by the Skybound Oratorio event since AL EN would be getting the event with a three-week delay.

Not the right thread for this. This thread is for tagging questions for which there already is a tag, not for discussions on future/existing tags. Startup a new thread if you want to have a discussion.

Updated by DanbooruBot

worldendDominator said:

post #3920002
Mermaid, lamia, or neither?

The artist called her a "mermaid" so I'm willing to accept that. Even if she isn't strictly half-fish — and most mermaids are drawn with ridiculous piscine anatomy in the first place — tagging such a long-bodied character as mermaid isn't unprecedented here. There's another "leech mermaid" at post #3126298, and all the eel girls have a similar body type. There isn't really a better way to search for a character like this using established tags, so in general I'd say that tagging her as a mermaid helps search more than it hinders search.

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