
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

MarqFJA87 said:

Well, that was certainly a lot faster response than with my last two inquiries in this thread (which never got answered to this day).

Nobody’s required to answer you. If nobody is sure enough about an answer at the time or is busy with other stuff, you just won’t get one. If nobody answers, choose what you think is most suitable.

The character denoted by the tag ai-chan's_sister_(tawawa) is typically depicted with shoulder-length hair (aside from her earliest appearances and fanart that's based on them), which according to medium hair's description makes said tag the appropriate one to use. However, I'm confused as to whether the tag is applicable in post #3191690 (second from right in the central panel), where she temporarily wore her hair in twin braids, since only the tips of the braids in question are anywhere near the shoulders, or post #3519328, where she wears her hair up in a side ponytail.

I think medium hair is applicable for both posts.

Also, Ai-chan herself is typically tagged with short hair, but her hair length appears to have grown slightly over the years so that its edge is close enough to actually touch her shoulders; does that make her exit short hair's territory and enter medium hair's instead?

Dunno. Your call, I guess.

Finally, does this character's hair length fall under long hair (how I see it tagged), or is it actually medium hair?

Dunno. We rarely get to see the bottom end of it.

In pool #15269, up until this post's last panel, you could've easily mistaken Kanda for an androgynous male. So how do we tag the preceding posts? Currently, most of them are tagged to acknowledge that Kanda is female, but that counts as a spoiler, right? Then again, the title of the comic itself is a spoiler, even in Japanese.

Yeah, it’s right there in the title, so tagging Kanda as female is just fine.

Updated by DanbooruBot

post #3835227

Is there a tag for the type of brush she's wielding?

Also, is there a tag for the type of metal seen in the background? For now, diamond plate is used but it only has 2 entries which I find hard to believe so I wonder if there's another more widely used tag that I'm missing. EDIT: Oh, but I see it has a wiki entry as well so I suppose it's the official tag.

Updated by DanbooruBot