
Is there some factor in an increase of artists requesting not to post works?

Posted under General

I think that the attitude displayed in topic #12215 might have something to do with it.

Being an artist on the internet famously carries with it the problems of art stealing, reposts without sources, etc. So, when an artist specifically says in their page not to repost their works, and then we upload it in here anyway, even if it's properly sourced, I can see why they'd get angry.

Of course, this is just conjecture. An analysis of banned artists and the circumstances surrounding the uploads of their works would probably be better.

This blog post, which I've seen linked from a few pixiv member pages, states that fanartists want to have full control over where their art is posted on the Internet in case the original creator of the copyright complains and wants them to take it down.

7HS said:

This blog post, which I've seen linked from a few pixiv member pages, states that fanartists want to have full control over where their art is posted on the Internet in case the original creator of the copyright complains and wants them to take it down.

So they want to... control the internet...

Considering how little japanese copyrights are enforced, its silly for them to reserve things like that. Many companies and creators even encourage fanart as its free marketing, and keeps the audience engaged when they can't create enough content to sustain continued interest.

And since Danbooru sources and credits so much, the downside for the artist is that they get fewer direct views on their posts on Pixiv/Deviantart/Seiga/Tumblr, offset by more exposure overall. Sure, they lose venue control with Danbooru, but I doubt its a pure negative.

Kikimaru said:

So they want to... control the internet...

Is this a joke? I seriously can't tell.

Either way, no, they don't want to control the internet. They just want to be able to control where the stuff that they made themselves is displayed. I don't see how this is hard to understand.

buehbueh said:

And since Danbooru sources and credits so much, the downside for the artist is that they get fewer direct views on their posts on Pixiv/Deviantart/Seiga/Tumblr, offset by more exposure overall. Sure, they lose venue control with Danbooru, but I doubt its a pure negative.

As I mentioned above, sourceless reposting is a pretty big problem in sites like Tumblr and others. Danbooru is pretty good about it, most of the time, but it's not up to them to know about the site and how it works and etc.

And really, if an artist has stated that they don't want their work reposted, it's not by uploading it here anyway that we're going to change their mind.

I'm more curious about how they find out about this site in the first place. Mizuki Hitoshi found out by running into western fans at places and the whole "inviting him to Anime Boston" thing.

I can't help but to wonder if danbooru residents are hamfistedly making comments on Pixiv.

OOZ662 said:

You're looking for topic #7934.

Uploading one's own work is still highly discouraged in howto:upload, though it's recently been under discussion in topic #12128.

So this means I can upload my own work under a fake nickname and pretend it is not me uploading? Have you been able to check that this hasn't been done in the past?

It just seems like a really weird rule to me that doesn't make sense.

Also in the howto:upload it says:

Generally Accepted
Most art from most artists.

So I am not in the wrong.

You certainly could upload under another name, but it wouldn't change the underlying results listed in the bullet points under the rule; it all boils down to quality. Since you're in such a defensive posture, I assume anything I say past that will just result in an argument.

If you'd like an indepth on why the post wasn't approved, bring it up politely in topic #7934. If you want to argue the rule itself, topic #12128.