
Tag implication: Bondage -> Shibari

Posted under Tags

Wanted to pull up this topic again.
I don't really see piespy's reason in this very old topic. The post quoted is neither shibari nor bondage or bondage since it's only the tanline, which could also be done by a swimsuit. There are some exceptionnal out there.
And while I look through the {shibari -bdsm} section, there is no image where bondage does not apply (well, except post #2242376 but this character isn't even bound, so shibari doesn't fit here).

So, I'm clearly for doing this implication from shibari (ropebondage is aliased to it) to bondage

There are many different reasons why this implication won't work, shibarikini and shibari_tan are only tip of the iceberg.

Shibari-themed fetish outfits (not sure how else to call them since they are neither clothing nor swimsuits): post #1810133, post #1603594.

Chains used instead of ropes/cords (falls under chained rather than bound): post #2066510, post #1014650.

Shibari used on inanimate objects (does not fall under bondage): post #1754797, post #1345186, post #1382014, post #840681.

Shibari used in non-sexual situations (should be paired with tied_up, not bondage): post #1393331, post #65733, post #2311690, post #2095059, post #1458771, also few posts linked above.

And I certainly remember seeing cat's_cradle that was imitating shibari, but I can't find an example atm. Maybe it wasn't properly tagged, or I've seen it at some other website.

All in all, shibari can be seen in a wide variety of situations and is not limited to bdsm.

I use number for your examples:

1. That is not shibari or bondage. She isn't bound^^. I don't know if that's applicable here, but what is about bondage_outfit? (I've never used this tag)

2. Then it is a chain. Shibari is indeed a form where the rope is used, but I can't read where other materials are excluded.

3. I don't see a reason to tag them with shibari. If it is an object, it can get bound. Maybe wrapped up is more appropriste for these cases (or another english word thst describes that).

4. The last group is the only one in my eyes that can threaten this implication, but not really.
But in my eyes these posts are here to enforce a sexual situation. The rope is either placed the way that sexual content might get enforced (but it is not visible post #1393331) or it is used to bound the person in a way that is not quite sexual themed, but the person is clearly not comedic bound.
So I hardly find any reason to only tag this with tied up if the person is restrained to pleasure the other person (like in the Reimu post).
As for the other things: I really fail to see why we should make such a strict differenciation between those two tags. Bondage can also be aesthetic (i.e. non-sexual) like in jojo postings you've added. And there isn't really anything lost if they get tagged with both tied up and bdsm.

But if this isn't wanted: The request can get changed from shibari to bound.

I think that for tagging purposes shibari should include anything that forms those distinct tie-up patterns, including it being on non-humans, non-animate objects (there's always a chance that someone draws something like post #134740 for fun, also something like a cat's cradle or a tree Christmas lights in that pattern is easy to imagine), and maybe should even include shibarikini.

The reason is that people searching for the image would likely remember shibari pattern being in there, whether it was sexual or not, or just something look-alike.