create implication sitting_on_desk -> on_desk
create implication sitting_on_desk -> sitting
create implication sitting_on_desk -> desk
create implication on_desk -> desk
create implication school_desk -> desk
create implication on_couch -> couch
create implication easy_chair -> chair
create implication on_table -> table
create implication glass_table -> table
create implication sitting_on_bed -> on_bed
create implication sitting_on_bed -> sitting
create implication bunk_bed -> bed
create implication bar_stool -> stool
create implication park_bench -> bench
These should all be self-explanatory; let me know if I missed any. A few implications I considered but chose not to include are feet on chair -> chair, under table -> table, and on bed -> bed, as those tags frequently adorn images that instead feature couches, desks, or just bed sheets, respectively.
I'm not a big fan of tags like sitting on desk as they could be broken up into broader tags like sitting on desk in the same way striped thighhighs was broken up into striped legwear thighhighs. Some discussion about updating those tags would be nice, but for now, I'll be satisfied with the implications.