
Make Pool: Feral Instincts a tag?

Posted under General

NWF_Renim said:

Would a bulk update request work using update pool:4944 -> feral_instincts? I ask since the bulk update syntax is a bit different from when I last used it and not sure if it'd work using a pool.

That works. It doesn't remove the posts from the pool but it adds the new tag.

"Tag what you see, not what you know."

That's still a thing, right? Feral instincts definitely is under the "what you know" category. Whether the subject of a post is acting feral or not is meta knowledge that tags aren't really suppose to dip into.

From looking through the pool, it's pretty obvious when a character is acting "feral" in an image. It also helps that most characters have visible animal ears/tails.

But I don't really agree with the definition of the pool, and how it tries to extend to vampires and such. It's really just about characters acting like (wild) animals. You don't need meta knowledge to see and tag that.

Toks said:

That works. It doesn't remove the posts from the pool but it adds the new tag.

Is there a way to both add a tag AND remove the post from a pool?

e.g. if I request

update pool:xxx -> tag:xxx
update pool:xxx -> -pool:xxx

Because I'm imagining that wouldn't work.

Kikimaru said:

Is there a way to both add a tag AND remove the post from a pool?

e.g. if I request

update pool:xxx -> tag:xxx
update pool:xxx -> -pool:xxx

Because I'm imagining that wouldn't work.

This works:
mass update pool:xxx -> tag:xxx -pool:xxx

Putting it on two separate lines like you did might work in theory, but I bet it would cause the two delayed jobs to conflict by editing the same posts at the same time and make everything bug out.

Though like NWF Renim said we don't need to remove all the posts to delete the pool.