
Too easy to make accidental Wiki page

Posted under Bugs & Features

EDIT: TO CLARIFY: Make content in the body a requirement for posting a new Wiki page in order to prevent accidental pages created by only writing a title and hitting enter.

It shouldn't be possible to create a Wiki page without a body...

I was trying to search up the term "futanari"; with my amazing research skills I came up with the search terms "vagina penis" and thus vagina penis was born.

I can't even seem to delete the page?

Or maybe just allow the page to be deleted by the author within the first hour?

EDIT: Btw, the Wiki page was created by entering the title and pressing enter; you know, the usual search approach. I just wasn't paying attention to what input field was in focus.

EDIT: Alright, someone deleted the Wiki page again. Thank you. :)


Unless someone else deleted it in the last 7 minutes, that wiki doesn't exist. Unless you click the "create new wiki" link on that page, nothing there actually exists. Type whatever you want in the URL and it'll be the same, for instance.

EDIT: Yup, NWF Renim got to it first. And I didn't realize it showed the creation page upon failed search and not upon linking to a non-existant wiki. That's interesting.


fossilnix said:

Maybe instead of showing the creation form for non-existent wiki searches, there should be a "No results / Click here to start creating" page.

Yeah, that sounds good. Unnecessary to show the creation form in most cases I'd say.

The question mark to the left of tag names, which shows its wiki page when clicked.

Toks changed wiki searches so that instead of showing this, searching for a non-existant wiki will show this. The change doesn't take effect until the next site update.

trustworthy_guy said:

EDIT: TO CLARIFY: Make content in the body a requirement for posting a new Wiki page in order to prevent accidental pages created by only writing a title and hitting enter.

This would cause problems like not being able to create wikis with other names but no body, and not being able to edit the artist entries corresponding to existing wikis with blank bodies.

I can see that. Since you have made the change to not go straight to the creation form, I guess the issue here has been resolved. :)

But I still think that a Wiki search with no results should instead do a wildcard search, e.g. searching "hunter" will have no result and should then instead search for "*hunter*" to at least show some plausible Wiki pages.


I suggested the same in my other thread but it got locked for similarity to this one...