I just noticed that some thumbnails I clicked on lead me to another post entirely. Also when I click on the parent or child thumbnail of a post, it sometimes stays on that same post. Is this a known bug?
Posted under Bugs & Features
hemoglobin said:
Are you browsing on iPhone Safari?
I used to to browse on Safari on my old iPod Touch (3G) and what Sal.N is describing happened to me, too, on that browser. I had to refresh the page at least once to show the correct images.
I don't know if this still happens with current versions of Safari because I use Chrome on my current iPod Touch (5G) with no problems while viewing the site.
No, there is not. It's a Safari bug, not a Danbooru bug, and people have been talking about it for at least four years. Apple apparently doesn't intend to fix it.
Some claim it helps to go into your iOS settings and clearing Safari's cache, but in my experience that doesn't change anything. Just reloading a page of wrong thumbnails gets them all right, though.
hemoglobin said:
No, there is not. It's a Safari bug, not a Danbooru bug, and people have been talking about it for at least four years. Apple apparently doesn't intend to fix it.
Some claim it helps to go into your iOS settings and clearing Safari's cache, but in my experience that doesn't change anything. Just reloading a page of wrong thumbnails gets them all right, though.
Thank you, I guess that's unfortunate then. Refreshing is a hit-or-miss (more miss) from what I can see :/