I decided we need to have a discussion thread on rigorizing what counts as on and off the topic of Danbooru that was separate from the ToS discussion. Since Tapnek and others have shown interest in a wiki for this, we should work out the nature of what that page should have. For a long time it has seemed that any art that was good but didn't fit into the vibe of the site was stuck into a quandary where some users would accept it and some would reject or flag it.
Key examples:
post #1640707 was deleted, and then later accepted after appeals were filed.
post #1182015 was marked as completely off-topic and deleted.
Neither are japan related, so in that sense neither are on-topic, but both are well drawn. Some tags are filled with western art that is still very good, but technically outside of the bounds of what Danbooru is supposed to have. We need to have a resolution on what to do, so we don't continue to have problems.
I propose that we start defining what should be our exceptions for the new wiki page to state, to see if we should allow exceptions or not, and get a single page together stating what we consider the standard site topics.
To the moderation staff and active users, what do you feel about this?