Hi guys, I've been working on a *booru app for PC for a few months and I've just recently ported it to Android too. I'm looking for any feedback anyone cares to give about it.
Zenbooru (全ボール) is an app for image boards (a.k.a. image booru) that searches all your favourite image boards at once and displays the results back as a single stream, merging duplicate images or videos and their tags together.

Compatible with many popular (booru-style) image boards.
Supports viewing images (png, jpeg, gif, bmp, webp, svg) and videos (webm, mp4).
Downloads and shows formatted translation notes over content.
A slick and unobtrusive UI that scales from phone screens all the way up to UHD (a.k.a. 4k) monitors.
Only needs a site's address to be added, Zenbooru will figure out the rest on it's own.
Converts animated gifs into videos (via gyfcat) before downloading for smoother playback and smaller file sizes.
No advertisements or analytics and open source so anyone can check what's in it.
Supports rendering pixel art with crisp edges and unblurred from scaling.
You can find links to download, screenshots and more at it's website http://zenbooru.org