
[bulk] Satin clothing items tag dependency tree

Posted under Tags

create alias satin_clothing -> satin_clothes
create implication satin_clothes -> satin
create implication satin_dress -> satin_clothes
create implication satin_gown -> gown
create implication satin_gown -> satin_dress
create implication gown_lift -> gown
create implication gown_lift -> dress_lift
remove implication satin_underwear -> satin
create implication satin_underwear -> satin_clothes
create implication satin_lingerie -> satin_underwear
create implication satin_gloves -> satin_clothes
create implication satin_gloves -> gloves

Link to request

Hopefully all self-evident and uncontroversial.

Log said:

There are 10 posts in satin dress/clothes and 11 in satin underwear. Every other tag is empty. I'm really not sure this is necessary at all. Even satin only contains 56 posts.

Well, my intent was to start populating these tags with a lot more posts, and was hoping to get these implications to make doing so easier.

Edit: OK, satin_gown is probably going too far. A search for satin_dress + gown would work just as well, so I've removed satin_gown from the request.
