
Is it possible to impliment a feature to Auto-lock threads?

Posted under Bugs & Features

In order to prevent thread necro, would it be possible to implement a sort of auto locking that after a certain amount of time has elasped, then the thread automatically locks itself and thus preventing any silly 5 year old threads from coming back to life.

If further neeed to add to the thread is needed then there could be like a petition system which unlocks the thread, or an admin can unlock it. Or even the more sensible option would be to make a new thread and link the older thread.

This will ensure fresh dialog and lessen alot of outdated threads.

I always thought it was inherently handy to be able to continue old threads. The only difference when discussing an old topic will be that people create a new thread that links to the old thread instead of just putting a new post in the old one, which then requires slightly more messing around for a reader to figure out what's being said.