
This art somehow bugging me..

Posted under General

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Hello, this is my first post, about this thing that bugging my mind all the time.

This pool: pool #8706

The anatomy of the heads.. Ugh.. It's really bugging me for a while. The artist is too focus on the kiss, so the back of the head is somewhat.. Square?
This kinda weird because a slight bad anatomy in post #1416546 tagged as bad anatomy while in this pool only few tagged as bad anatomy.
So, what is the solution?

If this post against a rule, please pardon me. Thanks. And sorry.

Updated by Log

Typically, forum posts are meant to resolve issues regarding tags, artist info, commentaries, and the like. That pool is a series of art all by the same artist. I don't think that anyone else would be in favour of deleting it, but you, yourself have a way to blacklist it:

Simply go to "My Account" at the top of the screen
Click "Settings" which will appear in the bar just below the one with the "My Account"link.
Go to the section "blacklisted tags".
Enter the artist who drew that pool, sei_(kaien_kien), and hit Submit.