Do pixiv posts belonging to the same gallery deserve a pool?
Posted under General
If the Pixiv gallery is of a sequential series of images like a comic then yes they should get a series pool on Danbooru. If the images are just minor variations of the same base then a parent/child relationship is usually used but a pool could also be used depending on the circumstances. If the images in the gallery are just random and unrelated to each other (まとめ) then they don't get any kind of connection.
I'll also add this: if a comic that has two to five pages only then the parent/child relationship is enough and if an image that has many variations (probably above 6 such as pool #9073) then it deserve to be pooled.
Lunatic6 said:
I'll also add this: if a comic that has two to five pages only then the parent/child relationship is enough and if an image that has many variations (probably above 6 such as pool #9073) then it deserve to be pooled.
I find 2-3 sufficient enough for parent-child relationships. 4 is a maybe. 5 is a bit much.
Lunatic6 said:
I'll also add this: if a comic that has two to five pages only then the parent/child relationship is enough and if an image that has many variations (probably above 6 such as pool #9073) then it deserve to be pooled.
Yet again our howto is contradictory.
When NOT to use Post Relationships
For most other cases, it would be better to organize these images into a Pool. Examples include:
- Any other series of posts intended to be viewed in order.