
EDIT: Magazine photos and photo tag cleanup

Posted under General

I've almost hit my flag limit for today so I'll just leave some old Nanoha stuff here for now:

post #174866
post #149901
post #135140
post #128949
post #133466
post #126376
post #122851
post #113956
post #116990
post #117793
post #117794
post #119744
post #103800
post #87621
post #82660
post #81172
post #66224
post #66223
post #66222
post #64646
post #31586 - I've even recently tagged normal versions of these two
post #28566
post #28454
post #28073
post #9193

Lol, jxh, you're actually the approver.
Well, you decide now whether we need this old crap here, and I guess I'll go find some more.


Those were all posted by albert, and years before an admin queue existed, so it's not even clear why they have an approver.

My bet is they were flagged and reapproved because of grandfather clause.

MagicalAsparagus said:

Maybe for the same reason that posts by anonymous users were identified as posts by albert?..

That is most likely the case. Things like anonymous comments used to be attributed to albert. This was changed for comments, but might still be the case for uploads.