
Tag implication: cowgirl_position -> girl_on_top, straddling

Posted under Tags

CountPacula said:

create implication cowgirl_position -> girl_on_top_and_straddling

Link to implication

Pretty much by definition. The only possible issue I could think of was if the tag was also used for yaoi couples in the same position, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

You can't put two implications in one like that, what you did was request an implication to girl_on_top_and_straddling, which is not a real tag. In order to request two at once you should use a bulk update request.

However, cowgirl_position already implicates straddling, so that one doesn't need to be done.

As far as cowgirl_position -> girl_on_top goes, that implication used to exist but was removed because the person on top does not need to be a girl. See topic #9038.

Toks said:
You can't put two implications in one like that, what you did was request an implication to girl_on_top_and_straddling, which is not a real tag. In order to request two at once you should use a bulk update request.

I noticed that it put the two tags together right away, and spent a fair while trying (in vain, naturally) to fix the problem.

Log said:
There are already posts under cowgirl_position yaoi anyways. Also pegging and futas I suppose.

I belated realized that I didn't find anything for cowgirl_position yaoi because I have yaoi blacklisted. Duuurrrr....