
Wiki entries and Other Names

Posted under General

Over the past couple weeks I've been moving pixiv searches linked in wikis to the Other Names field when possible.

Should we keep links to pixipedia in wiki pages? I've moved the searches that were not ambiguous, multi-tag queries, seiyuu, or that I just wasn't comfortable moving for one reason or another to the other names sections on each of the pages (so now there's 238 pages of tags with other names present) but I can't decide if pixipedia links are worth bothering to keep. I can see it being useful for something like alpha_(inazuma_eleven) where the pixipedia link/tag doesn't actually result in many, if any, images but that's the only instance I can think of where you would want to retain the link.

Any opinions would be welcome before I move on to a pixipedia query because I'm not comfortable making a decision in either direction myself.

You're asking whether it's okay to remove the pixpedia link, when the tag is already in the other names field?

In case you didn't know pixiv links people from tag search to pixpedia articles themselves. So let's say you're the hakurei_reimu wiki, and you click 博麗霊夢 (pixiv tag search). You can then click Look up on pixiv Encyclopedia to get to the pixpedia article. So it's not really necessary for our wiki pages to link directly to pixpedia, it saves one click but that's about it.

Though I guess a potential issue is what happens when there are like 5 different other names. Someone wouldn't want to try all 5 to find the most comprehensive pixpedia article so it might make sense to link directly to the pixpedia article in that case.

Here's the remaining searches

Here's the remaining wikis

To solve the issue of multiple tags and hunting down which one had the wiki I put whichever tag had the wiki first. If multiple tags had wikis I ordered them by lowest nested then by count.

The remaining links are either because it was a search with two tags, a search with a bunch of negations, an artist, the tag on pixiv was horribly amiguious with a bunch of different stuff in it, or seiyuus. I'll move the seiyuus in a couple days after I verify that they are mostly used appropriately on pixiv.


Can't move seiyuus they're a clusterfuck on pixiv.

Is there any way for me to find tags with any japanese in the wikis perchance? There's stuff like Summon Night that had the query at the top of the page but it didn't link anywhere so I couldn't find it with a search.