
Multiple images of one character

Posted under General

I was going through trying to clean up images tagged as both 1girl and 2girls, and somthing came up that I'm not sure about; which way do these cases go (IE, are they tagged as 1girl or 2girls)?

Two of the same person: IE post #1727482

Two different personas of the same person: IE post #1732407

Daimakura: IE post #1730609

Zoom layer: IE post #1729377

Faceless non-detailed background characters: IE post #1541794

I take it it's common sense that posts like post #1564031 are tagged one girl since it's more like a comic, and we're not tagging 2girls if the same girl appears multiple times in the same comic page in different panels. I do wonder about post #1697279 though; it's parent is marked 1girl, and rensouhou-chan is neither marked as a girl or boy itself, but what about a character like that being represented by a girl like in this case?

Either way, the 2girls wiki mentions dolls but none of these other cases, and dual_persona only mentions that solo shouldn't be used but doesn't mention multiple_girls/multiple_boys.

Two images of the same person, like with many dakimakura, should be tagged 1girl but not solo.

It seems like we should have a specific tag for that situation. dual_persona seems to be used for it sometimes, but it's more for when there are two versions of a character and both are in the image, not when it's the same character just in different poses/outfits. Maybe variations? I don't see that tag used much but it seems to fit the definition.

I guess I can include solo in the discussion too, but the original purpose was to narrow down when to use 1girl and when to use 2girls more or less; The solo wiki is much more in depth frankly so I wasn't as concerned there.

If there's any question as far as solo goes in relation to all this it's cases the solo wiki doesn't mention. In particular does zoom_layer fall under the multiple viewpoints exception given in the wiki to not use the tag? And do comics like post #1731459 fall under the multiple viewpoint exception too? The comics in particular since there are literally thousands of images that are comic solo, with probably half of them being multipanel images featuring one character.

So that's mutiple views, dakimakura, comic or collage with only one character who appears in multiple panels, then dual persona (and everything associated with it like multiple persona, time paradox, and clone) all out of solo. Leaving zoom layer as the only exception I can see so far to more than one body in an image and still being solo?

Does that sum everything up or am I missing anything? (the original point of this thread for the #girl/#boy tags being another issue)

Well really, the same image with slight differences in those how tos kind of mirror how zoom layer works, just in different stages of being done rather than different size. But technically I agree it shouldn't be an exception, because the differences in the images is more pronounced and they're definitely separated.

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