
How to upload ugoira, the new pixiv animation system

Posted under General

tanaab1234567890 said:

Thank you for the bookmarkets.
Fuck that shit, I hope it won't replace the old stacked images, or worse, many artists deleting their old stuff for replacing it with this crap.
So annyoing.

I already found one instance of a picture collection in this... container.
A script turning those... things into APNGs sure would be nice.

Well it shouldn't be too difficult from a technical point of view. As demonstrated, grab the src link, grab the frames, download the zip, extract the files, use a lib to merge them into a apng, and upload that.

I don't know the feasibility of doing it all in the browser. Otherwise someone would need to setup a server to do the job. Or provide an application to do the job locally.

My question: can you submit / is there / has anyone found, dare I say it, a manga of gifs?

chronomeister said:

Well it shouldn't be too difficult from a technical point of view. As demonstrated, grab the src link, grab the frames, download the zip, extract the files, use a lib to merge them into a apng, and upload that.

I don't know the feasibility of doing it all in the browser. Otherwise someone would need to setup a server to do the job. Or provide an application to do the job locally.

My question: can you submit / is there / has anyone found, dare I say it, a manga of gifs?

I have already posted mine tho post #1719859 but working on these takes a bit time so it's at least hassle for me to work on these. If there are short animations like this (i.e then I'd probably make em into gifs in to future and upload it but not sure how many people would be up to task I wonder.

Schrobby said:

I already found one instance of a picture collection in this... container.
A script turning those... things into APNGs sure would be nice.

We will se a lot of those things during the next week for sure, because it's new and fascinating and easy.
Only after that can we see the overall direction.
Replacing stacks would be nothing but an absolute dickmove, since it makes it impossible
to proberly view individual images without bookmarklet-trick.
If they mostly replace normal animated images it wouldn't be as bad, those are rare anyway.

Well, to be fair they at least added "pause button", that is if you click on the image it stops looping.
Everything else, yes shit in its purest form. At least half of your bookmarks (if you have an account) will go missing if the artists decide to embrace this new wonder to store their stacked images.
And for those people who don't know about bookmarklet but want to store their images on their computer before the artists decide to delete what they stacked, well too bad for them.

Kikimaru said:

Damn it Japan, can you use regular formats JUST ONCE?

Doesn't help that they have a different ASCII standard, to the point where pretty much everything bar RPG Maker and the main series Touhou games simply crash before they can even register in the task manager; they've yet to adopt the global standard.

Wiimeiser said:

they've yet to adopt the global standard.

No, Japan is so speshul, even it's snow is different!
In all seriousness, the japanese sense of exceptionalsim manages to be one of the worst in the whole fucking world.
You think I was joking with the snow? I wish I weren't, that was a serious argument some used during
the winter olympics in Japan; ok, fringe idiots, but all the smaller things are also stupid and annoying.

Zelinkokitsune said:

On RefControl how would I rig that up to let it run or not as I'm just not sure how to best set up the referral to grab the zips to look to compile things myself.

You shouldn't need to use RefControl if you use the bookmarklet I posted earlier.

Zelinkokitsune said:

Uh how do I use the bookmarklet then I guess as I've really not messed with javascripting

On Firefox, open up a new bookmark and just put the coding stuff in where "Location" should be.

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