Unbreakable said:
Please read disclaimer:english or disclaimer:japanese (whichever is easier for you) and follow the steps to get your art banned.
I sent an email. Please check.
Updated by Unbreakable
Posted under General
Unbreakable said:
Please read disclaimer:english or disclaimer:japanese (whichever is easier for you) and follow the steps to get your art banned.
I sent an email. Please check.
Updated by Unbreakable
Hello, I am Kkamja.
My work's been uploaded.
I made the request according to the disclaimer.
But there's no answer. Did I miss anything?
What should I do?
Updated by Unbreakable
Albert is the only one able to set artists as banned so it was a case of waiting for him to get around to setting you as a banned artist. This has now been done.
Updated by Unbreakable
If post #3423978 is a reupload of a banned post (post #2970353) should it be banned too?
Updated by Unbreakable
post #3579901
Please unban, I added a banned artist tag by mistake.
Updated by Unbreakable
I added a banned artist tag by mistake to post #3694379
Could it please be unbanned?
Updated by Unbreakable