My favorite new feature seems to not be updating since yesterday, even though several new images under my tags have been uploaded (by me and others). Are others experiencing this or is it just me?
Might as well take the chance to report a small bug: On my profile page you'll see that my favorite tags are: arcueid_brunestud, konpaku_youmu, miura_azusa, itoshiki_rin, kasuga_kurumi (edit) but if I click on 'edit' it takes me to Settings but they're now ordered alphabetically: arcueid_brunestud itoshiki_rin kasuga_kurumi konpaku_youmu miura_azusa If I save changes and want them back in the order they were before I'll have to switch it around and order it myself each time.
surasshu said: My favorite new feature seems to not be updating since yesterday, even though several new images under my tags have been uploaded (by me and others). Are others experiencing this or is it just me?
I am experiencing that as well. There was no update on mine since this morning, my home time.