
I need your advice, guys.

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Hello guys. Here I am, a desperate commoner that is looking for your help.
So, not so recently (in fact lots of months ago) it just so happened that I stumbled upon some of Ke-Ta's artwork. I was impressed. A little bit shocked. Amazed. Captivated. I fell in love with Ke-Ta's art, because it's absolutely gorgeous. I haven't seen anything better yet, even though I have spent years on different imageboards.
What I would like to ask you guys is to give me a lead to other great artists who draw nearly as good as Ke-Ta. You might recommend to check Tony's or Ishikei's arts, but youd'd better not do that. Here is the main point. Those guys are amazing, no doubts, but their art is kinda dirty. Ke-Ta depicts girls as pure, innocent beings, that's what I really like about him. Damn, I can't even fap(!) to his art! It's just wrong.
So, I would be eternally grateful to you guys if you could recommend great artists who draw highly detailed pics of girls, be it touhou or not, no dirty pics, just the essence of purity and innocence.
Thank you for reading such a long request. Hope to see some good advices soon.

Updated by ShadowbladeEdge