
Tag alias: special_feeling_(meme) -> special_feeling

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Toks said:

I can't speak for jxh, but I'd like to point out that trap and otoko_no_ko are both equally ambiguous, meaning it's not that similar to this case where only one is potentially ambiguous.

"Trap" is very well-established in the English-speaking world though. And "otoko_no_ko" is much worse, because it actively confuses people with an understanding of Japanese. The problem is that jxh deemed ambiguity to be a "minimal concern" in that one (ambiguity that I personally think is completely damning), yet somehow decided that the ambiguity in this case warrants singling it out compared to every single other meme tag we have. I don't have a problem with jxh making a call in a tough case, I have a problem with jxh making a call in an easy case which I cannot at all comprehend and which is prima facie inconsistent with all we have.

S1eth said:

so... what if we used tokubetsu na kibun?

That'd be entirely cromulent. AFAIK we don't have a consistent policy on always prefering English or Japanese in case of memes, so that's not a departure. I really just want to know special_feeling was so, well, special that it got _(meme), making it one of a kind. I'm fine with any policy, as long as I can comprehend it.

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