
Upcoming Changes for Upload and Approval Complaints

Posted under General

Well, end of July is upon us, so I'm curious on whether some of these changes have been implemented. Site's been in need of a cleanup for some time, so I really want to know what's going down this moment.

Toks said:

The reason stated for starting to add new janitors is to reduce the issue of "good but worksafe or original or obscure copyright art gets ignored", which is why people favoriting/uploading posts that don't have very high scores are targeted by the automatic invite sender.

If instead janitors approving posts that don't have very high scores are now demoted it would have the opposite of the intended effect, leaving mostly janitors that approve touhou/nsfw/other popular things.

Maybe demoting janitors that approve posts with actually negative score (not just low scores) or janitors that approve posts that later on get flagged and deleted might be a better metric. But there's probably no perfect automatic metric for this and it would be better to handle it on a case by case basis.

Very late reply but...

Welp, that's actually the problem I'm facing now, haha. I try to approve the stuff that often gets left behind, good art even if it's not of a popular copyright/etc - and I DO have an abysmal score, possibly related or unrelated. Reading this, I figured, "It's probably too late for me to even try now but I should get on approving more Kancolle!"

I've been horribly inactive for a bit as a while back I made a move across the entire country, and it's been rough settling into a new city and finding work. I do still love this website, but I suppose that's the way the cookie crumbles! :(

Demotion due to inactivity isn't that big a deal, especially if you have real life stuff going on. You could just message albert once you are able to be active again rather than fretting about losing your janitor position and approving things you don't actually like just to manipulate score and keep something you can't actually use.

Yeah I know, it was just a kneejerk reaction. Slowly starting to settle in here, more slowly than I'd like, and popped back in to see what's been happening and saw the changes and sort of oh no'd.

Thanks for the reply though, I'll keep that in mind and contact albert when real life stuff blows over assuming it goes that way.

tapnek said:

I don't even know why some people still upload most of his stuff when they look so rushed and unfinished.

albert said:

New blood is required. It's been around 2 years since the last batch of janitors was recruited.

Reading tapnek's comment makes me agree so much with albert, new blood is DESPERATELY needed on danbooru. Ideally, people who can recognize different artistic styles, and have at least a bit more wider tastes besides liking lolis.

apparently, four mods think this piece ugly enough to not be approved:

post #2117627

but on the same day, like five images of this... deformed, loli-looking furry get approved instantaneously like it's some paragon of excellence in art it's kinda unfair:

post #2117983

Before I was worried that was just the way danbooru swings, but reading albert's comments gives me some hope.


Your post has only been in the mod queue for 8 hours. Give it time, most of the mods haven't even seen it yet.

It's funny that you say post #2117983 was "approved instantaneously," because it wasn't approved at all. It was uploaded by a contributer, who used their ability to bypass the mod queue. If you think it's that bad, you can flag it to give the mods a chance to review it.

AriesWarlock said:

apparently, three mods think this piece ugly enough to not be approved:

post #2117627

"did not like the post enough to approve it" doesn't mean they think the post is ugly, it can mean it doesn't fall into their personal preferences or it's just not amazing and that's why they're not going to approve it.

AriesWarlock said:

but on the same day, like five images of this... deformed, loli-looking furry get approved instantaneously like it's some paragon of excellence in art it's kinda unfair:

post #2117983

That post was not approved by moderators. It was uploaded by a contributor and thus bypassed the mod queue. That's what gives it the illusion of being "approved instantaneously".

fossilnix said:

topic #11878

You'll be able to upload more within 24 hours of your last upload

When I count my upload limit, it really results in 0 (in fact, -5 lol)
But, albert said that "Uploads are capped to 50 a day " so it should be 20 more for me, right? I only upload 30 pics in the last batch, or am I understood it wrong?

The highest anyone* can have per day is 50. The lowest is 10. Most people will have an amount somewhere in the middle, based on the statistics of their recent uploads being approved.

EDIT: *Looks like Contributers are still unlimited

Well tbh, this new formula punishes non-Contributor old users too hard. For old users, their upload limits can be called as their "pride" or "worth" for them. They work hard by uploading quality pics in daily basis, even some of them do it on hourly basis. All of it only to raise their upload limits, so it can keep them motivated to upload even more quality pics, forming a cycle. Albert said that the old formula is broken and unfair for new users, but I beg to differ. These old users (except Contributors) worked really hard and spent their precious time to reach that upload limit level. This new formula is just too much, it's just like mowing all of their efforts in a single go (in my eyes).

I think the new formula's con is outweighed the pros, but that's just me. I have no power or anything to change that.

tapnek said:

I'm not sure what to say about that but you do have users like Kikimaru going from over 1000 upload slots to just 10.

Wow, that's ridiculous. I bet he will be surprised and seriously upset in the same time.
Let's hope that he won't stop uploading entirely because of this.
In other hand, this new formula seems like encouraging to use multiple accounts to bypass upload limits.

Looks like Contributor level is gone and replaced with Unlimited Uploads permissions. Scared the crap out of me, because I was browsing when it happened and watched my name colors change from purple to default blue to builder blue. Then I saw even Schrobby was a Builder now.

Some forewarning would have been nice! This wasn't mentioned as a goal alongside Janitor rank removal.

Can I have a request? Builder colors be made what Contributor colors were? I liked the old color. :V it was nice and distinct from Gold and Platinum colors.

NWF_Renim said:

It might be nice if there was some means of knowing at a glance if a user has unrestricted uploads or approval privileges, without turning to their user profile.

tapnek said:

How about a special symbol next the user's name for each permission?

Albert thinks that's overkill. You can use custom css though.

Toks said:

Albert thinks that's overkill. You can use custom css though.

Will he at least update the user listing search then to include the ability to search based on these privileges? Searching based on rank starts losing meaning when a primary defining feature is no longer tied to a rank.

edit: Also calling it overkill is a bit much, when it's the system that is becoming more complex, but yet not increasing then the complexity of the UI to match it.


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