A disgusting piece of shit. But that's still too considerate a way to describe this pathetic case of human garbage.
This vile dumpster fire of a human being spends all day every day trolling websites, looking for things that specifically offend its members, then joining, and then spending the entirety of his time tricking other members into talking about those things in exactly the wrong ways, effectively trolling by proxy, instigating violent arguments that can span entire forums, and causing people to hate each other. It has more or less been confirmed that he has no life beyond this, as he's known to respond to virtually anything in response to his behavior within seconds. A shocking feat considering that he's actually incredibly stupid.
He will spend weeks, months, and even years 'working' on forums, screwing with people until he is either caught and banned, or succeeds in his goal of completely ruining and/or destroying the entire forum. And in some cases, he's been known to cause too much of the user base to leave the website before this happens. In other words, he singlehandedly destroys websites through a bizarre combination of stupidity and directionless malice.
He's hurt hundreds, possibly thousands of people in this way.
Victims the world over are waiting for the day that he offends some absurdly vindictive person with too many resources who will going to track him down and expose his identity IRL.