
A graphic artist who works predominantly in anime and manga.
His works have an edgy style due to, among other things, not using a ruler while drawing as is usual for most anime-style art. He first gained fame in his work on the avant-garde anime Serial Experiments Lain. He is also responsible for the concept and character design for the series NieA under 7. He is the creator of the doujinshi Haibane Renmei which was later adapted into an anime.

Japanese name: 安倍 吉俊 (Abe Yoshitoshi)
(He uses the kanji "𠮷" [U+20BB7] instead of "吉" [U+5409] in his pen name, 安倍 𠮷俊)
English spelling: "Yoshitoshi ABe"
The other nicknames: "abfly"
Solo circle names: むてけいロマンス (Muketei Romance)
(He is also a member of joint circle むてけいファイヤー, Muketei-Fire)
Site name: ABlog

See also

In NIFTY SERVE and PC-VAN (now-defunct Japanese commercial online service providers), his name was "AB".

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