Artist specializing mostly in otoko no ko wearing highleg outfits and general BDSM. His/her art style is mostly represented with the use of very feminine-looking boys crossdressing in girl's clothing. Often times, the use of a female body and head is used in his/her artstyle, but with the addition of a male chest and a penis with balls. Posts works in a site called Seraphita.
Usura's last post on Seraphita was around 5/22/2009. No new pictures have been presented on that forum since then, leading to the conclusion that either Usura has put away his art supplies, is on a very long hiatus, is working on a very large-scaled project (such as a doujinshi), or has moved to a different site to present works (although no new pictures of Usura's has surfaced at ALL since the previously mentioned date). Since no further information about his/her status has come forth, as well as alternate websites where he/she is officially posting, it is mostly assumed that Usura has simply quit.
I am changing this artist's status to "inactive" because of this assumption. (If anyone feels that I am doing this in error, please correct me and post further details as to where the artist has moved to, or his/her current status.)
Artist name: うすらとんかち (Usura Tonkachi) or USURA
Name of the Imageboard that the artist was active in: 女装少年板